How’s that inner
reflecting coming along? I was thinking
about that this week (while inner reflecting) (!), and these thoughts came to
my mind:
Stand Still
You tell me to be still
To wait and listen
Yet I wait and nothing happens
The quiet leaves me defeated.
So I start over
I wait and listen
My mind wanders . . .
Was that You?
I don’t know, it sounds like me.
I pray and ask for guidance
Looking for a sign
Nothing happens
In the silence, I hear “nothing”.
I empty my mind,
I dwell on You.
I remember Your works
How wondrous they are!
This time, my heart is pounding
You are near, I just know it
My walk seems stagnant
My talk is excessive
I forget about all that
And dwell on my Savior
His love is never-ending
His power unyielding
His voice a whisper
His will my desire.
Stand still, He says
Do everything, then stand
Stand? For
what? On what?
On the rock, THE ROCK.
I can’t. I’m
not able
“That”, He says, “is EXACTLY where I want you.”
Unable, but willing,
Not stagnant, but alive
Ephesians 6:13 : Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
May our hearts stand still . . . and hear His.
BTW stagnant means: not moving or flowing; motionless; foul from
standing still; stale. (interesting, huh?)
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