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Showing posts from September, 2014

Starting over

Sometimes, I just want a start-over, don’t you?  Doesn’t everybody?  I mean, the times when I say the wrong thing, or hurt someone.  Or maybe when I go the wrong way, or go too far.  Going back – starting over – seems ideal to me.  This could be every minute, every hour, daily or even totally.  What about when that thought was “so wrong”.  I’m not thinking like that again, I’m going to change my way of thinking (or at least try to).  Or how about I start over when I won’t listen to gossip anymore or at least I won’t add to it (that’s a hard one!).  I can start over daily as I change my habits to “praise-ful” ones instead of “whine-ful” ones.  Once the whining begins (even in my mind), I can try and back er up and think of something I am thankful for.  I've done this - try it, it gets easier as you go. My cousin is starting over in a totally big kind of way.  Their house was being remodeled and they found some foundational issues and they had to tear it all down and star