In order to stand still,
you must be strong. “Standing” requires
strength. Now sitting or lying down -
that’s easy. But standing isn’t. And especially standing still.
It takes power and action
to “stand”. Standing is not wimpy. Its firm.
And standing still requires me to go beyond what I normally do – it
requires faith. God’s Word tells us
that we are to stand firm in the faith.
I Peter says
self-controlled and alert. Your enemy,
the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to
devour. Resist him, STANDing firm in the
Self-control? Now THAT’s a hard one! Alert, I can be alert maybe, but
Websters defines
“self-control” as “control of one’s feelings, desires or actions by one’s own
will.” (I hate when they use the word to define the word!) So I looked up, “control” and Websters said “to
exercise authority or influence over” or “direct”. To sum up the definition then - authority
over our feelings, desires or actions. Our authority? I don’t think so. Let’s just say in my case, God’s authority
over my feelings, desires or actions.
So, I’m giving my authority to God and staying
alert. I’m resisting temptation. I’m standing on faith. Huh? I
need a word picture here to understand this.
out in faith as I try something I’ve never tried before (like writing this
talking about her (when I really really want to) but know its not right.
in there, sticking to it, even when it seems impossible.
Trusting. Even when you have no idea what God’s Will
up, when it’s the last thing you want to do.
the unforgivable. Loving the
To be able to stand still and not be stagnant is to
rely on God. Its to go with HIS FLOW, follow HIS motions, not become stale or
foul while He’s working. That’s
faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see. . .
. By faith, we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so
that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. Hebrews 11
Faith in the One who WAS and IS and IS TO COME.
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