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The Joyces of My Life

Have you ever had someone in your life who truly showed joy, no matter the circumstance?  How about someone who has made a profound influence?  I can honestly say that I have had two, and they both have the name "Joyce" - hence, the title of this post - The Joyces of My Life.

First of all, Joyce (my stepmom) came into my life when she married my dad.  My life was pretty unstable with my mother, but we all made the best of it.  Once I graduated from high school, I moved in with Dad and Joyce. Life happened, I got married, had some kids, you know the drill.  

When I think back, there's nothing specific I remember, except  her constant-ability.  She was always there for me.  Period.  When you meet someone who lets you into their heart, bears her own heart and soul, while introducing you to Jesus, your life changes.  At least mine did.  Her love for Jesus and scripture was evident and contagious.  I wanted in - all in - and its been an absolute joy.

And if you asked her, its been an absolute joy for her life too - that's just how much she loves and cares and prays and yearns and . . . . (you get the drift).

My second "Joyce" is a much harder story to tell.  In her late 50's, my sister-in-law has had an ALS type of disability for 2+ years. There is deterioration in her talking, her walking, her eating, and her moving.  

Yet, throughout all this, she's the one smiling.  She brings the joy of the day.  She's sharing scripture and sermons and spirit-filled music.  I  I have the honor of spending Tuesdays with her.  I fill her feeding tube, help in the bathroom and stuff like that.  There's laughing and crying, hugging and loving.  Sometimes I wash her hair and then there's my favorite - washing her hands in the kitchen sink.  Can you picture this in your mind?  Cause I would have NEVER imagined JOY in circumstances like this.  

Her joy, her faith, her love for our Lord, has changed my life immeasurably.  We have always had a fairly close relationship, but nothing like this.   She lives the scripture from Philippians, "Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again:  Rejoice".

The lyrics of one of her favorite songs, You Are the Everlasting God by Lincoln Brewster, sums up her witness - truly.

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
Wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord
Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
Wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord
Our God, You reign forever
Our hope, our strong deliverer
You are the everlasting God
The everlasting God
You do not faint, you won't grow weary
You're the defender of the weak
You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles.
Oh Father, You are the Everlasting God and I praise Your Holy Name.  Thank You for these Joyces,  true gifts from You.


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