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Obligation or desire?

I had a question asked of me yesterday that quickened my heart and left me wondering.  I'm still wondering for that matter.  It actually makes me a little sick to my stomach to think that I even have to question myself and admit this out loud.  But here goes . . . . . do I worship God out of obligation or desire?

We are studying 1 Kings on Wednesday mornings and King Solomon is the main character.  He's the son of David (known for being the man after God's own heart).  Solomon loved God and worshiped Him.  In fact, Solomon was allowed to build God's temple and became one of the wisest richest rulers of all time.  I Kings says,  

Three times a year Solomon sacrificed burnt offerings and fellowship offerings on the altar he had built for the Lord, burning incense before the Lord along with them, and so fulfilled the temple obligations.

I'm thinking to myself, WOW, this guy's doing it all right - he's following exactly what he should do, God is pleased with him. He's following all the rules.  What more could you want?

I was then reminded of Solomon's father, David,and his love for the Lord - his words of love recorded in the Book of Psalms.  Those words are heartfelt, love poems to his living Lord, his Maker and Creator.  Throughout David's life, he inquired of the Lord MANY times, a lot of times prostate on the floor, surrendered.  It wasn't an obligation to David, it was part of who he was.

Hence, the question:  do I worship . . . do my devotions, go to church, pray, sing, love . . . out of obligation or desire.  The easy answer would be, "depends on the day" I suppose.  But my heart knows better.  

So how?  How can I make this change, this life-change really, to love the Lord, my God, with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and worship Him rightly?  First, I have to want to.  And in wanting to, I have to take the time to want to.  You know what I mean?

Whole-hearted devotion to God is a choice I need to make.  Every.  Single.  Day. 

Our Lord, through the Holy Spirit, will take that want and make it His.  Thank You, Lord Jesus.

(It's great to be "back" btw - and with God's leading, I hope to make this blog more of a priority from now on)


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