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I prayed for toilet paper.

I left for a LONG walk by myself recently while vacationing at my sister's place.  Armed with a bottle of water, it was a perfect morning to get away.  The sun was shining and the birds were singing - what could be better??  Having walked this path before, I didn't have a worry in the world. Praying, humming and taking in as much of God's creation as I could, all was good.  Well, until . . 

My bladder was full and no bathroom was in sight.  I figured I was still about two miles away from the nearest bathroom.  What to do?  Two miles is a LONG WAY when you gotta go.  Some of you know EXACTLY what I mean. 

Or maybe you don't have problems like this and if you did, you at least wouldn't tell anybody about it.  But the older I get, the more of a problem it is.  And the older I get, I know that EVERY event in life has a lesson.  Yes, even one like this 

So I did what any praying woman would do when she has a problem.  I prayed.  I kept telling myself that the God who parted the Red Sea could hold back my . . .  problem.  I prayed for strength.  I prayed for insight.  I prayed for toilet paper.  Because if I had some, my problem would go away.  I was desperate.   

I thought of the story in the Bible about another desperate plea, years ago.  One where God was the ultimate provider.  It was from Elijah and he was sick and tired of what was happening around him.  His circumstance was MUCH MORE serious.  He was hated by the Israelites and there was a contract out on his life.  He was destitute. 

Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. (I Kings 19:3)  - I would have run too but I couldn't move very fast, you know what I mean?  He went on a day's journey into the desert, all alone.  He came to a broom tree and sat down under it and prayed that he might die.  

I have had enough, Lord, he said.  Take my life.  I am no better than my ancestors.  Then he lay down under the tree and fell asleep.  All at once an angel touched him and said, 'Get up and eat.'  He looked around, and there by his head was a cake of bread baked over hot coals and a jar of water.  I Kings 19:4-6

God came through.  He brought Elijah exactly what was needed at that time.  Remembering this story, I prayed the same would happen to me.  Still walking, in pain now, I thought, all I need is one thing.  One thing, Lord.  Where was the toilet paper? 

Faith is a process.  You don't wake up one morning and have faith.  You "learn" faith.  You walk in faith - its action.  Its growth.  All the little "experiences" in my life have brought me to where I am today in my faith walk.  I KNEW God would see me through to the end.  I might not be comfortable.  It might not be how I want, but He would see me through, just as he saw Elijah through.  I knew that then and I know that now.    

With or without toilet paper, God is faithful.  And He also likes to give wisdom.  Wisdom that says, when you go on a long walk, don't drink water.  Just sayin.  :)




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