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Loved less.

I am a spiritual lesson seeker.  At least once a week, I find a spiritual lesson in something - whether its an occurrence, or when I'm reading my devotions.  Sometimes its in worship.  Most times, though, its every day life, the normal, day to day grind, that makes me stop, take notice and ponder.

By spiritual lesson, I mean a "heart" lesson.  Something God tells me, shows me, or teaches me.  I have to smile when I think about it because its usually SO SIMPLE.  You know what I mean?  And because I take everything (literally) "to heart", these spiritual lessons are life changing.  Sorry if you think I'm being slightly dramatic here, but to me, they really are.

Deuteronomy 6:5 says, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength."  To me, that's pretty much impossible.  Yet, I pray it. And I truly want it.  But I can't.  I just . . . .  can't.  I'm too full of myself.   So after a while, it became a prayer that I said cause I thought I should but knew it would never happen.  That's not cool, by the way.

Lately, though, I've been really, really wanting that.  Craving it.  Needing it.  Actually, I couldn't stop thinking about it.  And wouldn't you know it - God showed up.  He more or less told me, in my heart, that I loved Him less.  I loved Him less than myself.  I loved Him less than lots of things.  Well, to be honest, most things.

I am truly ashamed.  Because He was right.  I do love Him less.

Floyd McClung says, "True repentance occurs when we begin to see sin from God's point of view - when we see the way our sin has broken His heart."  I would say that happened.  I started seeing everything I loved more than God and it was stupid stuff and it made me sick.  And I thought, how would I like it if I was loved less?

My heart was broken.  And that's exactly where God wanted me to be.




  1. Hi, Deb....putting God first is not easy. I have to remind myself that everything I have and love comes from God. That's how much he loves me. He gives me peace and promise for eternity, so I need to honor Him and glorify Him wholeheartedly. It is already in your heart to love him more....��


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