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Contagious Infectious Joy!

I find it highly ironic that the season of joy – Christmas – can be for some the most depressing
time of the year.  I’m not going to pretend that this time of year is stress-free, wonderful and
perfect for me.  It isn’t.   

There’s cookies to bake and presents to buy.

There’s practices and programs,

gift exchanges and decorating.

Then it snows and all is frozen.

The Christmas tree falls over.

The dog wrecks the garland.

The meeting runs late.

The money is gone.

 Stressed, pouting and complaining, I’ve heard it all and done it too.  It’s exhausting!
Where’s the joy?  WHERE?  Joy is infectious but it has to start somewhere.  It can start
with you, and it can start with me.

No matter how much needs to be done, or where I have to go, I start my morning quietly
in the presence of my God.  Because joy is waking up and thanking God that you did.

Quiet prayer, heartfelt worship.

Holy Spirit bumps reminding me of all I have been given.

Remembering  past Christmases, my mom and Timm’s dad.

Knowing they are celebrating in heaven.

I think about the celebrations ahead - fondue on Christmas Eve and all of the family at the
farm.  This puts a smile on my face and joy in my heart.  True joy, the kind that starts in my
heart and glows right through my mouth (smile!) and makes my eyes sparkle.

For infectious joy is contagious.  You want some joy this Christmas?   My Jesus Calling stated,
"As you seek My Presence above all else, you experience peace and joy in full measure.”

Okay - but how?  Let’s start seeking together.

First, stop.

Stop what you are doing and close your eyes.

Thank your Heavenly Father for all He is and all He has done.

Contemplate His holiness.  Confess your sinfulness.

Repeat after me, “I am forgiven”.

Read some scripture, sing a carol.

Look out at the stars, witness His majesty.

Stay there.

We could be the ONLY JOY some people ever encounter during this season.  Did you ever
think about that?  Not only can joy be shared with family, but how about coworkers, neighbors,
your children’s teachers?  Do they know where true joy comes from? 

Infect them! 

Seek His presence - every day.  Go forth in His Name – joyful.

May you and yours be blessed – so blessed – this Christmas with everlasting, heart-
pounding, exhilarating, infectious  . . . . joy!

Isaiah 51:11

The ransomed of the Lord will return.

They will enter Zion with singing;

Everlasting joy will crown their heads.

Gladness and joy will overtake them,

And sorrow and sighing will flee away.



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