Its my 35th wedding
anniversary this week - YEAH!!!! To
some people, that’s not a big deal, but to me, it’s a miracle! A testament of God’s grace – a destiny I had
only hoped would be mine someday.
I don’t know if its
because I am from a “broken” family – my parents divorced when I was five – or because
there is so much divorce out there, but seriously, this is a HUGE DEAL to me. So hang on as I go back to memory lane (or
exit, whichever you prefer J).
I didn’t have a clue on
how to “be” married or “stay” married. My
mother certainly hadn’t taught me and we didn’t have classes back then about “staying
married” or even “getting married”. The only
class I could remember that maybe helped me out was my “American Problems”
class – LOL! All I knew was I wanted to
get married. Period. Poor Timm.
Standing before God, at
the altar, all those years ago, I vowed to “love and obey, in sickness and in
health, for better or for worse”. Timm
said he would “plight thee my troth” (what the heck does that mean??!!). We both said what we were supposed to say –
what we were told to say. Did we mean
I want to think we did,
but now looking back, I would say I didn’t have a clue. And to be honest, I’m ashamed of myself. This was a vow, a promise, before God, I was
making. Now, 35 years later, I totally
understand the implications.
Because there have been
times, too many unfortunately, that I have wanted to forget those vows, to run
away, to leave it all, and just . . . . go.
Go where? I don’t know – anywhere
– just away. Away from noise, away from heartache
and conflict, away from . . . worse.
Timm, on the other hand, knew
exactly what he was promising. Troth
means truthfulness. When he vowed to plight
thee my troth, he pledged his truthfulness, faithfulness and loyalty to me and
he has kept his end of the bargain. Just
typing that puts a smile on my face and reminds me of ANOTHER reason I love
that man so!
I bet you think I’m
contradicting myself – one paragraph talks about me leaving and the next about me loving
him so – but that’s exactly what our marriage has been – better or worse –
sticking it out, learning to love, seeking help, getting away (both from each
other and with each other), talking it through, leaving it alone, sharing it
all. Yes, better or worse and MAN, is
the BETTER wonderful!
Intreat me not to
leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I
will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people,
and thy God my God. Where thou diest,
will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord
do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me.
As I read them, I remember
singing them and MEANING them. Little
did I know that they would be the testament of God’s grace in our lives – that with
Him, we would stay together.
Angela Thomas says, “This
world can make you want to run away, but the brave woman stays, living every
day with integrity.”
I don’t know about you,
but I long to be the woman God has created me to be – a woman of
integrity. A woman who keeps her
promises – better or worse.
The “world” can’t make me
do anything anyway cause I got me a man who has plighted me some “troth”! You
just can’t get “better” than that! J
Happy 35th Anniversary, this week! What a beautiful, honest post. May God continue to bless the promises you have made.