I’m not a very patient person. Wait, let me re-phrase that, I’m not a patient person AT ALL. But I’m totally okay with God’s timing – as long as it goes along with my timing. HA! What a joke!
I’m serious here though. If I really think about this, I’m usually okay with God’s timing. Cause its perfect and right and He’s God for heaven’s sake! This week, however, I have been questioning my “surrendering” of this issue – His Perfect Timing in ALL situations.
Let me just say that for those of you who don’t know me, I run at the speed of light most times. I don’t mean literally “run” (I’m TOO OLD for that!) – I mean in my workplace (I work at a law office for an attorney who is VERY fast-paced), my home life (remodeling my kitchen, meetings, Bible studies, social events plus I have three children and three grandchildren, friends, neighbors, parents . . . ) – are you getting the picture here? On the whole, I have a VERY FULL life that runs pretty fast. Oh, I slow down sometimes. I relax. My hubby and I take our camper and just “camp” or I go to lunch with my BFF or my daughter-in-love or sit and play with my grandchildren (!) but on the whole, my life is pretty “fast-paced”.
I tried to be thankful for “IT” – I kept asking the Lord to help me BE thankful about this and to show me what good can come from it, to show me that its okay for me to be slow . . . .
Last Sunday, Pastor preached on the book of Esther and its an amazing story about a Jewish girl who became queen and at JUST THE RIGHT TIME was used to save her people from annihilation. When she said she could not help save her people, scripture says (my emphasis):
When Esther’s words were reported to Mordecai, he sent back this answer: “Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?”
I know that God’s timing is perfect – I know that. I know that everything He does or brings about can glorify Him but come on, I know I’m not a queen or anything, but I got a blog to write, people to love, places to go!
Of course, I read this Proverb (Chapter 16) this week too:
Better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice.
In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
Determine my steps? I’m not even walking here. Hobbling around, in my “slow”ness, the blessings received were endless! Just to name a few:
§ Muchos love from family members
§ A boss who was understanding and helpful
§ A BFF who went out of her way to take care of me
§ A sister who cleaned, organized and went BEYOND just for me
§ A time of devotion, prayer and worry-less time in the Lord’s Presence.
Oh, draw me near, Lord. Help me take the TIME to draw near, knowing that is EXACTLY where you want me to be. Slow me down. Yes, I said it out loud:
SLOW ME DOWN and take me where You want –
Thank you for the reminder to look at life through God's perspective and not my own. (It can be SO hard though!---Help, I need you God!)