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Christmas was one of my mom’s favorite holidays.   She loved Christmas.   She loved everything about it and she made it VERY SPECIAL.   One of our “traditions” was that no matter where we were, if it was at her parents’ house (as small children) or later as adults, when we opened presents, she ALWAYS opened her presents last.   It was like the “ta-da!” to the day.   I vividly remember this because we made such a big deal out of it. Everyone wondered, did she get what she wanted?   - did dad get THE PERFECT PRESENT this time? – what would her reaction be - we would wait with baited breath . . . . phew!   S-U-C-C-E-S-S!  or uh-oh, this ain’t good!! I wonder now what WAS she looking for?   What WAS the perfect present or the perfect ending to this holy day?   Would she EVER get what she EXACTLY wanted . . . EVER? I find myself reacting the same way (unfortunately) . . . looking for the perfect gift . . or reaction . . . or...

Its in the name . . .

Who is Jesus to you?   Have you thought about that this Christmas? In Biblical times, your name meant who you were.   It was your identification. Matthew 1:20-21 says: But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.   She will give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.” In my case, my name is Debra Ann Christine Lutz Tuttle Lutz Heyer (WOW!)  Christine is my confirmation name from when I was confirmed as a Catholic.  Lutz is my birth name, Tuttle from when I was adopted and then as an adult, changed it back to Lutz . . .  anybody bored yet?   I think what this all means is that I've lived a full life, what do you think? "Debra"  means “little bee”.   (HUH? – I am ...

What’s “ponder” all about anyway?

I know what the reason for the season is and I know what Christmas is all about.   I mean, I try to remember the REAL reason for the season but in the middle of my decorating and the baking and the card writing and my partying and my hosting and my buying, it gets difficult.    There is so much to do and being the “mom”, I gotta do it!   Its my own fault, really.   The perfectionist in me says the house HAS to be this way, the cookies have to be baked (not bought), the cards HAVE to be sent, etc. etc.   That’s part of Christmas.   That’s how I celebrate Christmas anyway.   (WRONG!) Now, Mary, the Mother of Jesus, had it right, didn’t she?   Luke 2 says: When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”   So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the mang...

Giving up to give

Giving gifts at Christmas time, or any other time of the year for that matter, is a beautiful way to express love, don’t you think?   To be a perfect givER , someone who “knows” what to give someone PERFECTLY and then following through, is something I strive for.   My friends and family will tell you I have not yet attained the title (and probably never will), but you can’t blame me for trying, I suppose. I LOVE to give gifts!   Recently, after a midnight excursion, hunting for bargains and waiting in lines for hour S , my niece told me that she thought   that THAT was what “ giving was all about, going out and trying to find exactly what the person wants at the best price, no matter what it takes, or how long it takes.”    So the more work it takes, the better the gift – or should I say, "more meaningful, more PERFECT"?   What do you think?   It was obvious the “work” of bargain hunting that evening (and morning) was not fun, but ...

What is truth?

Did you ever find it hard to tell the truth?   I mean, that sounds like a ridiculous question, but seriously, think about it.   Your best friend asks you if you like her new blouse (uhhh, YUK!) – you open up a present and it’s the LAST thing you would EVER like . . . . get my drift?   Sometimes, the truth is just NOT that easy.   Its not popular either.   Hearing the truth today is a rare gem if you ask me.   Where can we find the truth?   The news?   TV?   Isn’t that someone’s “version” of the truth (“versions of truth?” - that’s scary!).   Even churches “vary” on their “truth”.   John the Baptist came to prepare the way for THE TRUTH.   For isn’t Jesus the WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE?       “A voice of one calling in the desert, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make        straight paths for Him. Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and   ...

One Little Word

There is one “little” word in our English language that has a BIG meaning, that is, the word, “thanks”.    I’ve found that being thankful isn’t that popular anymore.   I hardly ever hear a “thanks” in everyday conversation (sorry to say).   There was a time when an attitude of gratitude was a way of life, and I hope that in my parenting I taught my boys to say, “thanks”, but I’m not sure they (or I) follow through. Its amazing to me that the holiday, Thanksgiving, is celebrated nowadays with hardly a word about its beginnings.   Oh, I know all about the Pilgrims and the Indians and the story.   I’m not talking about that.   I’m talking about the reason behind the FIRST LEGAL holiday celebrating Thanksgiving. General Thanksgiving By the PRESIDENT of the United States Of America A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefi...

Belonging longing

Before the age of 5, my parents divorced.   My mother abandoned us to our father and then when she returned, we never saw our father.   My sister says we lived in 26 different homes!   I used to have dreams that we moved and no one woke me up to bring me along.   I suppose that’s when I developed a huge case of “belonging longing”.   So what is “belonging longing” anyway?   (I made it up btw)   My definition is “the need or want to belong somewhere or to someone”.    Its all I knew since I never settled down or called somewhere “home” until marriage.   Looking back, I never knew I had it.   But now, as I look back, my heart aches with memories of belonging longing. Through the prophet Isaiah, God says:   “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are Mine.” I think the Israelites had a case of belonging longing too even though they were told by God Himself through His prophets that they be...

Right WHERE I wanna be!

Did you ever wonder what life WITHOUT God’s Presence would be like?   I mean, really truly WITHOUT HIS PRESENCE?   In my reading this week (Ezekiel) the exiles are coming home.   They are moving back to their “homeland” and to top it off, God’s Presence has returned.   Wait – what do I mean by God’s Presence returning?   Isn’t He everywhere?    Where did He go if He wasn’t there with them?   That’s a good question !   I have been thinking about that this week and the importance of “God’s Presence” in my life and in OUR lives as Christians. In the Old Testament, God dwelt (on earth) in the tabernacle first and then in His Most Holy Place in the temple that King Solomon built for Him in Jerusalem.   By “dwelling”, I mean He was there to worship and confess to.   He spoke to (and through) prophets.   He accepted sacrifices and worked in tremendous ways for His people.     Jerusalem was captured and the Jews...

Just a royal pain!

I guess I’m a real pain sometimes.   YEP, my friends’ husbands say I am, my brother-in-law reminds me of it and I’m sure my sons (and even my daughters-in-love) have found me to be a royal pain!   I don’t mean to be a pain.   I mean, I don’t wake up in the morning and say, “today I am going to just drive somebody nuts!” – but somehow I do!   Its like a second nature for me.   And as far as “pain” goes, I don’t know much about it and I don’t want to know (if you get my drift!). I was remembering Isaiah 53 this morning and recited the word, “pain” a few times.   There it was, my word for the day:   P-A-I-N!   He grew up before Him like a tender shoot,  and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him. He was despised and rejected by others,  a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces, He was despised, an...

Its just the right time . . . really?

I’m not a very patient person.   Wait, let me re-phrase that, I’m not a patient person AT ALL.    But I’m totally okay with God’s timing – as long as it goes along with my timing.   HA!   What a joke! I’m serious here though.   If I really think about this, I’m usually okay with God’s timing.   Cause its perfect and right and He’s God for heaven’s sake!   This week, however, I have been questioning my “surrendering” of this issue – His Perfect Timing in ALL situations.   Let me just say that for those of you who don’t know me, I run at the speed of light most times.   I don’t mean literally “run” (I’m TOO OLD for that!) – I mean in my workplace (I work at a law office for an attorney who is VERY fast-paced), my home life (remodeling my kitchen, meetings,   Bible studies, social events plus I have three children and three grandchildren, friends, neighbors, parents . . .   ) – are you getting the picture here?   On the who...