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Showing posts from February, 2015

My Valentine

I’ve got all my Valentine’s Day cards done except one .  I got the mushy one for my hubby –  cute ones with stickers inside for the grandkids and one for a friend who just got divorced. To be honest, I didn’t even think of sending this one until I heard it mentioned last Sunday during the children’s sermon.  Paper and scissors aren’t needed - not even a stamp.  This requires the most heartfelt devotion I can muster. No schmaltz or trite little words.  In fact, this might be the hardest thing I have ever done.   Maybe I should rethink this.   I want to send one to God.  I want to tell Him, no SHOW Him how much He means to me.  I want to offer my heart to Him like I have never offered it before. This will be my best Valentine ever!   But my heart is deceitful . . .   Jeremiah 17 says:       The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.   I can’t do this. There is not one thing I can do or offer that will be a ...